If you are author and looking for an honest review of a book then you can get it here for 10 to 15 dollars.
About Review
The review will be from 350 to 700 words depending on the story length. I'll be giving an honest review. I'll read half of the book first and if I don't like it then I'll inform the author. It will be up to him/her to decide whether they would like me to finish the book and give the review or leave it unread.
In fiction I am prepared to read every type of book, except erotica, whereas in non-fiction I read only books on Physics, biographies and auto-biographies.
If you want to get an honest review of your book and suggestions as how to might be improved then follow the following steps:
1. e-mail your book in any format mentioned above as an attachment at reviewbyridz@gmail.com
2. Mention the genres into which your book falls, along with a short introduction in the e-mail.
3. The charges will depend on how easy I find your book to read and how much time it will consume. For example if your book comprises 300 pages but I find it easy to read then the charges will be low as compared to those books that are, although short. complex.
4. An amount equal to the price of the book+ 2$ is required when you submit a book. If I feel I can give a helpful review, and you wish me to complete reading the book, I will do so and will charge the rest of the amount.
5. I'll e-mail you my payment address when payment is to be made.
My Published Reviews
I am already a reviewer at http://forums.onlinebookclub.org/
You can check my published reviews here: onlinebookclub.org/reviews/by-rida.html
If you want to get an honest review of your book and suggestions as how to might be improved then follow the following steps:
1. e-mail your book in any format mentioned above as an attachment at reviewbyridz@gmail.com
2. Mention the genres into which your book falls, along with a short introduction in the e-mail.
3. The charges will depend on how easy I find your book to read and how much time it will consume. For example if your book comprises 300 pages but I find it easy to read then the charges will be low as compared to those books that are, although short. complex.
4. An amount equal to the price of the book+ 2$ is required when you submit a book. If I feel I can give a helpful review, and you wish me to complete reading the book, I will do so and will charge the rest of the amount.
5. I'll e-mail you my payment address when payment is to be made.
You are welcome to post
my review on any promotion site that you use to publicise your
I will provide a FREE
short summary for use on sites that limit words if you state details of their
requirements when the second payment is made.