My Favorite Quotes

The Fault in our Stars By John Green

  • Life is not a wish granting factory
  • If you go to the Rijksmuseum, which I really wanted to do—but who are we kidding, neither of us can walk through a museum. But anyway, I looked at the collection online before we left. If you were to go, and hopefully someday you will, you would see a lot of paintings of dead people. You’d see Jesus on the cross, and you’d see a dude getting stabbed in the neck, and you’d see people dying at sea and in battle and a parade of martyrs. But Not. One. Single. Cancer. Kid. Nobody biting it from the plague or smallpox or yellow fever or whatever, because there is no glory in illness. There is no meaning to it. There is no honor in dying of.”
  • “There will come a time when all of us are dead. All of us. There will come a time when there are no human beings remaining to remember that anyone ever existed or that our species ever did anything. There will be no one left to remember Aristotle or Cleopatra, let alone you. Everything that we did and built and wrote and thought and discovered will be forgotten and all of this will have been for naught. Maybe that time is coming soon and maybe it is millions of years away, but even if we survive the collapse of our sun, we will not survive forever. There was time before organisms experienced consciousness, and there will be time after. And if the inevitability of human oblivion worries you, I encourage you to ignore it. God knows that’s what everyone else does.”

Looking for Alaska by John Green

  • But of course the universe does not conspire to put you in one place rather than another_John Green
  • When you start to make yourself into a big deal, that’s when you get shot down. The bigger a deal you are, the worse your life  is. Look at, like, the miserable lives of famous people._John Green
  • Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back-John Green
  • “Do you ever wonder whether people would like you more or less if they could see inside you? If people could see me the way I see myself—if they could live in my memories—would anyone, anyone, love me?”-John Green
  • Those awful things are survivable, because we are as indestructible as we believe ourselves to be. When adults say, "Teenagers think they are invincible" with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they don't know how right they are. We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. We think that we are invincible because we are. We cannot be born, and we cannot die. Like all energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations. They forget that when they get old. They get scared of losing and failing. But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail. So I know she forgives me, just as I forgive her. Thomas Edison's last words were: "It's very beautiful over there." I don't know where there is, but I believe it's somewhere, and I hope it's beautiful.

Diary of Anne Frank 

  • How true Daddy's words were when he said: all children must look after their own upbringing. Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands.- Anne Frank
  • In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can't build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery and death. I think... peace and tranquillity will return again.- Anne frank

Matched Triology by Ally Condie

  • We hold the choices of our fathers and mothers in our hands and when we cling on or let them slip between our fingers, those choices become our own-Ally Condie(Matched)
  • Even though all cannot be as everyone would wish, there is satisfaction in knowing that something good and right and true was part of you. That you had the blessing, gift, good fortune, perfect luck, to know someone like this, to pass through fire and water and stone and sky together and emerge, all of you, strong enough to hold on, strong enough to let go. I can already feel some things slipping through my fingers like sand and water, like artifacts and poems, like everything you want to hold on to and can’t-Ally Condie(matched)
  • The Pilot. The Poet. The Physic.They are in all of us. I believe this. That every person might have a way to fly, a line of poetry to put down for others to see, a hand to heal-Ally Condie(Matched)
  • Sometimes, its alright to wonder-Ally Condie(Matched)
  • Sometimes paper is only paper, Words are just words. Ways to capture the real thing. Don’t be afraid to remember that. Writing, painting, singing—it cannot stop everything. Cannot halt death in its tracks. But perhaps it can make the pause between death’s footsteps sound and look and feel beautiful, can make the space of waiting a place where you can linger without as much fear. For we are all walking each other to our deaths, and the journey there between footsteps makes up our lives-Ally Condie(Reached)

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